EWT - Eyula Website Technologies

Unique software technology prepared for quality and performance oriented websites

Quick access from all over the world

Quick access from all over the world

The average time to load pages from all over the world is 1-3 seconds. Not only your domestic customers but also your overseas customers can reach you very quickly.

Website speed directly affects your ad performance, enabling more efficient advertising campaigns.

Why is speed important?

If your website speed is negatively affected, your sales performance will also be negatively affected. Websites made with Eyula Web Technologies get an average Mobile: 96, Desktop: 97 points from the Google PageSpeed ​​test. Performance tracking tools negatively affect website speed. Eyula Web Technologies; Despite having high performance tracking tools such as GTM (Google Tag Manager), Yandex Metrica, Facebook Pixel, it was able to get the highest scores from global website performance analysis authorities.

Why is speed important?
Multilingual panel management

Multilingual panel management

EWT has added the feature of conducting panel management in different languages ​​to its system, considering also the multinational institutions.

It is possible to manage panels in more than 5 languages ​​(Turkish, English, Arabic, German, Russian).

An end to the problems caused by the translation system

Create custom content for each language.
Experience the ease of adding any language you want to your website.

An end to the problems caused by the translation system
Our professional support team is always with you

Our professional support team is always with you

Although you can easily manage the panel without knowing coding, we are ready to provide service whenever you need technical support.
Eyula Web Technologies will continue to develop and gain new features with every return you make.
We are ready to produce customized solutions for you.

Contact Us

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